• Located approx' 4 kms from the Katikati commercial centre and 35 kms from Tauranga City.
• Set up as a comprehensive smaller scale Kiwifruit post harvest facility with a total floor area of 2,644 square metres including cool stores, pre-cooler, packing shed, office,
workshop, staff amenities, mezzanine and plant room.
• The coolstores have a combined static capacity in excess of 300,000 Kiwifruit tray equivalents.
• All weather vehicular loading, unloading and general on-site storage is provided by two canopies covering an area 1,317 square metres.
• The land area of 1.0524 hectares provides flexible access ways and turning areas for heavy transport movement, hard-stand storage and staff parking.
• If you are looking to own your own post harvest facility, or seeking a complex that could be suitable for conversion to other food related industries, or floral related industries,
we recommend you look at this one without delay.
• The Vendor has issued firm instructions that they are determined to meet the market and sell this property, preferably with vacant possession, or with a limited lease in place.